Use local elections as a stage where
young and wise ones are present
and where collective minds can open up.

:{ STEP II: this page is ONE topic out of SEVEN in a dialogue; this topic reflects upper line as theme}:


  • young minded people are often more open-minded, so they can bring in new thoughts which can brighten up the mind from “stubborn” mindshapes that came up in another time; thinking people in groups may be pivoted to new worlds they could not see through the trees in the woods of their filled-up minds … (without any prejudice, of course)
  • elderly who shifted their lifes out of the « system » of politics as usual could therefore often advise younger ones in a refined attunement with sensemaking tones; eg. anecdotes and storytelling can re-enjoy societys by the spoken word and physical contacts and warmth; maybe even reinspiring, removing people with upcoming blockages;
  • in this phase of the younger one interested schoolgoing boys and girls can already enter the voting world locally ;
  • the eldest generation citizen, who still likes to participate voting as a deed of participating people affairs, has here a last opportunity to play the voting game; which is explained in the organomic statement.


One of the idealistic goals of this votingmethod, fundament of GenerationBindingMatrix, is freeing oneself out of the steering governmental priciples which a hierarchical, pyramidal, itself propagating system as oneMan-oneVote implicitly characterizes. An activ method or principle used by the GBmatrix as an essential component is weaving active citizenship within society, into all citizen.

To withdraw votingpower from the older generations by diminishing their sum of votingpoints (each 7 years 20 point less out of 100 max.) can enrage a man who was all the time in the system of oneMan-oneVote and now sees his last link to the state disapear. BUT …
This triggering awareness is to be communicated by some wise words … { which are not yet given here, because of refined consultancy in that specific group(s) }
Nevertheless GGvoter promises clearance concerning this “blockage”.

However local elections are primary decided by people between those two levels ( II & XI ) of the generationstairway … those people are also more busy with all kind of business but local affairs … So those particilar generations, II and XII, can make the noise that can influence the opinions of the busy ones! Lots of communication channels may have the FUN broadcasted?!

When in respect to those aspects contra and/or supporting arguments/textures are delivered contributing the dialogue essentials,
… please come in … ; our team will promote your perceptions in the spotlight you wish.