How did this Method of Voting grow in a lllth millenium mind?

this page tries to tell a story ...which can fill some spaces in the understanding of fellow humans how the nature of things just compose a (wo)mans story ... in living his or her deepdown wish dreamed in many black nights.

To avoid the discrimination of gender, man of woman, i prefer to characterize your fellow worldcitizen in this story as KIN, or KIN22*, or IK9**, or BolonIk ... just symbols who could also fit another human being in another life lived.

... the stories will not be arranged in a specific sequence, so just pick up the story from those (which will be) put down under in several substories ;-)

In Dialog with Fellow Human/Citizen:
OneManOneVote Awareness

When in respect to those aspects contra and/or supporting arguments/textures are delivered contributing the dialogue essentials,
… please come in … ; our team will promote your perceptions in the spotlight you wish.