update/redraft dec 15, 2005

space provides timespans
& timespans need a rhythms pace & organic form
this section will tell particular essences confirmed by this voting matrix
listening to some intentional inspirations to GGvoterPiLots

Has the topic questioned a relation to GlobalGeniusVoter? or better has it a relation of some importance to a citizen who as a partaker in a democratized world wants to have a voice in decicionmaking processes …

Or rather simple : Why should a voter bother time and space when he just wants to vote?

GGvoter invests in arguments and triggers dialogue … (or not).

Is there a relation in a human spending earth-fossile-energy and the perception of space or should we here say distance or kilometres between relatives? Well, then we might spend some time together in order to get some understanding …? At least, GGvoter may invite you … now or then …?

space provides timespans

timespans need a rhythms pace & organic form

When in respect to those aspects contra and/or supporting arguments/textures are delivered contributing the dialogue essentials,
… please come in … ; our team will promote your perceptions in the spotlight you wish.

Now and then, globally a 4 year span can be token as a rhythm, people in charge as representative and as executive in a regions (countries) core will be exchanges by other ones, who can vitalize the core in a natural flow of represented generations.

How is this subject to be imagined in the vision of Generation Binding Matrix design?

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