to a democracy voting method
which tunes minds by active woven participation

:{ STEP VII: this page is ONE topic out of SEVEN in a dialogue; this topic reflects upper line as theme}:

The homepage reflects an image of a model for a votingsystem, which pretends to have an organic structure: GenerationBindingMatrix. Seeing and understanding this one may be(come) aware of some featuring properties which were not available in the fundaments of "old" voting systems that guided us, the people (demos), throughout the last decades or even centuries.

In order to argument new attunement by active woven participation in a view with words, it seems appropriate to survey some statements before commenting the main-topic as a common desire or requirement.


  • one has a personal votingprofile and an evaluative votingpattern;
  • one changes the votingprofile whenever this personal urge leads to the action to do so, and thereby share one's changed perception of the ideal combination of votees;
  • the possibility to adjust and refine one's profile is an act of sharpening one's state of mind in complex matters; it's a lecture in ... attunement, combining or synchronizing the personal and common keystones;
  • the lecture of deciding triggers the lessons to articulate ones decisions, ones personal motivations to act;
  • while everyone has this possibility to do likewise, one cannot be restrained (as if you're mistaking) to change and adjust; for the intention to learn and refine ones articulation, ones vocabulair, ones coherence, ones socialized networking ... feels okay;
  • less than before one can be manipulated by & for emotional matters because more and more ones opinion grows in the aspects which ground in your presence;
  • as a whole ... in a political world with the GenerationBinding paradigm (steering model) one is becoming a political human who is networked with many other ones;
  • at what stage in the cycle of generation oriented stairwaygame (the Xylophone) of the Matrix (or Spiral) one is located, one has an orientation on the whole by the binding the structure creates. (point]


The survey above recalls the perception we were in a oneMan-oneVote paradigm battling for a single (world)leader, who we could point as the responsible excuse for our own behaviours. By implementing the GenerationBindingMatrix as a steering module we will look less and less to persons but more and more to qualities of persons and to their achievements in co-operating with other man.
As a voter one is developing a quality, an essence, to unite opposite forces in a living and co-creational bond. As a mirror to ones personal actions this development of experience of the voter can also be in the interest of the personal, civil life as a fellow member citizen.

Implementing voting as promoted by GBM democracy can grow into a living practice of what is understood, a tool which promotes a harmonic civilization. The pivotal impulse can be utilized by positive efforts and intentions by each human who feels attracted to do so.

Finally, one could even ask the question "is there anybody in this audience who doesnot like the idea to replace the 'old' model?". And please be aware of the fact that GGvoter knows what the term “persuasive language” means and can co-create and/or destroy or rather pivot.

When in respect to those aspects contra and/or supporting arguments/textures are delivered contributing the dialogue essentials,
… please come in … ; our team will promote your perceptions in the spotlight you wish.