experiencing a truth on the linkage between the alpha-beth and the numeric representation of God in All :: God is a number :: God is in the Relative Equation ...
... the conversion experience of A-M::1-13 N-Z::13-1 is executed on the alphabetic representation of Quetzalcoatl - Kukulkan ...
Q10 U6 E5 T7 Z1 A1 L12 C3 O12 A1 T7 L12
summarizes to
K11 U6 K11 U6 L12 K11 A1 N13
summarizes to
which gives the numbers 77::71 ;
together 22 ( 7+7+7+1 )
given the rythm 7771 - papapapam (the fifth / beethoven)
in my bodyvehicle as a conversiontool it ...
resonates on PI ; why?
well, is see several links pop up all together giving a true clue:
"all for one ; one for all"
is the famous credo of the 3 musceteers (Alexander Dumas) ...
and we know those 3 were actually 4 ...
implying : the 3 dimensions are lived through the 4th dimension ...
given d'Art(agnan) as the One with the Open Mind
The 3 dimensions are 3 personal vehicles:
me, my partner/the other one, my higher self/integral governance
they all are represented in the 77:71 dialtone by
sevens (3x7=21) ...
who is the 1 added to those 3 taken as true references in my flexible learning biotope?
it must be me acting in full presence and aware of my 21-body ...
which is an outcome of some practices that i took as helpfull
now comes the time i could share my practices as a combination of ingredients that were helpful on my path; the pitfall may be the interpretation that only those instruments i took were and can be helpful - which is not the case ...
on the PI-myst i imagined a geometrical truth as relevant in my yourney ...
which i will continue to tell in the 6th day interval;-)